St. Damien of Molokai Parish



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Requirements for the celebration of Quinceaneras at St Damien of Molokai Parish.

The Quinceañera celebration is a tradition in the life of a young Catholic woman. It is an opportunity for her, her family, and the parish community to give thanks for the gift of life and to reaffirm the young woman's commitment to her faith. The celebrations are to be celebrated within the year the young woman is 15 years old.  

In our parish, the celebration of a Quinceañera will take place as a Liturgy of the Word with special prayers and blessings. The following guidelines will help ensure that this occasion is celebrated with reverence and in accordance with Catholic teachings. 

Schedule and Liturgical Guidelines 

Date and Time of Celebration

Quinceañera celebrations will be scheduled on Saturdays, from May to September, at 12:00 PM. There are certain exceptions, please refer to the calendar. 

Only one Quinceañera celebration will be permitted per Saturday. 

Booking and Registration

Families must register with the parish office at least 4 months in advance to schedule a Quinceañera celebration. 

All preparation requirements, including attendance at catechetical sessions, must be completed 1 month before the scheduled date. 

Liturgy of the Word

The Quinceañera celebration will be a Liturgy of the Word, not a Mass. The structure will include the readings, homily, prayers of the faithful, and a special blessing for the Quinceañera.  

Communion: Only the Quinceañera will receive communion during the liturgy. This emphasizes the special nature of her commitment to the faith at this time. 

Spiritual Preparation

The Quinceañera must have received all the Sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, First Communion). 

The Quinceañera must attend catechetical sessions with her father or mother or both (5 classes and a morning of reflection). This preparation should focus on her understanding of the faith, the meaning of the Quinceañera in the Catholic tradition, and the importance of living a life in Christ and His Church. Generally, these sessions are on Saturday mornings for two hours at the end of January and the first weeks of February. At the end of these sessions they will receive a certificate of participation. 

Family Participation

Family members may be involved in the liturgy by participating in the readings, petitions, however, the focus of the celebration remains on the Quinceañera and her consecration to Jesus through Mary. 

Parents and padrinos will process in with the quinceañera. (if present) They should be seated in the front pew.  

Court of Honor

If the Quinceañera has a traditional court of honor (i.e., damas and chambelanes), they may be seated in the second pew behind the parents and padrinos. They will process in at the beginning and out at the end.  


Music should be appropriate for a liturgical celebration. Secular music or music not in harmony with Catholic liturgical guidelines will not be permitted. A music minister will be assigned. If a music minister is wanted from outside the parish, they will first need approval from the parish.  

Additional Considerations 

Dress Code

The Quinceañera’s attire should reflect the sacredness of the celebration. Modesty is expected, and the dress should be appropriate for a liturgical setting. Shoulders and chest must be covered. 

Avoid the use of glitter.  

Family members and court (if present) should also dress modestly and respectfully, adhering to parish guidelines. Any members dressed immodestly will not be permitted to enter the procession or participate in the liturgy. 


Church decorations are not necessary. Any church decorations should be simple and in keeping with the sacredness of the space. The parish office must approve decorations in advance. No flowers or other decorations may obstruct the altar or other sacred objects. 

Photography and Videography

Photographers and videographers are welcome to document the celebration but must adhere to parish guidelines. They should remain unobtrusive and respectful of the sacred space, and flash photography is not allowed during the liturgy. They must only take pictures from the designated areas in the church.  

At the end of the liturgy, if you wish, you will be given 30 minutes to take photos, always respecting the church (there will be no exception after 30 minutes). 


A donation to the parish is customary for the celebration of a Quinceañera. A donation of $350 should be made to the parish for parishioners. For non-members, a $500 donation is expected to the parish. This does not include the fee for a music minister.