Welcome to St. Damien of Molokai Parish
Weekend Masses
4pm St. Vincent Church
8:30am St. Vincent Spanish
10:30am St. Vincent English
12:00pm St. Michael Spanish
7:00pm St. Vincent Spanish
Weekday Masses
Monday thru Friday
12:00pm St. Vincent
Monday and Thursday
11:15am to 11:45am St Vincent
Mercy Nights every Friday
5:30pm to 7:30pm St Vincent
Adoration and Confession
Faith Formation Program Announcements
The Chosen
Mondays starting in October from 6:30pm to 8:30pm
St Vincent's Meeting Room
Each week you will watch one episode and then we will discuss how the Lord moved our heart from what we saw in that episode.
The Chosen is a Christian historical drama television series about the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. The focus is on the people who encountered Jesus, and how their lives were filled with challenges to change, convert, and believe. Come experience the Lord through his followers eyes.
Deacon Mike will lead the sharing and discussion.
CSA 2024 Thank you to those who have already made a 2024 CSA pledge as this ensures we Go and Announce the Gospel of the Lord to witness Christ as His disciples. Fr. Jacob is asking all parishioners to join him in contributing to this year's CSA. If we all give, we will easily meet St. Damien's 2024 CSA target of $65,997, which is our parish share of the support for the CSA-funded ministries, programs, and services. Any gifts we receive over our target will be returned to our parish in full. If however, we do not meet this target, we will have to make up for the shortfall from our general fund. If you are still prayerfully considering your CSA pledge, you may mail your completed pledge card to St. Damien! You may also pledge your gift to our parish campaign by giving online here. |