St. Damien of Molokai Parish

Parish Life


Welcome to our Parish

St. Vincent Site (SV) St. Michael Site (SM) English (E) Spanish (S)

What is your mass schedule? 

Monday - Friday: 12:00pm (SV)

Satuday: 4:00pm (E, SV)

Saturday: 6:00pm (SV)

Sunday: 8:30am (S, SV)

Sunday: 10:30am (E, SV)

Sunday: 12:00pm (S, SM)

Sunday: 7:00pm (S, SV)

What days are Confessions?

Confessions are every Friday from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the St. Vincent site. If you are unable to make it at those times please call the parish office.

Where are the offices located?

The parish office is located at the St. Michael Church site (120 Lewis St).

Are St. Michael and St. Vincent two different parishes?

No. St. Michael and St. Vincent merged to become one parish under the patronage of St. Damien of Molokai in 2009. The offices are located at the St. Michael site. Read more about the history of our parish here.


Become a parishioner at St. Damien's

We want to make sure becoming a member of our parish is easy. 

Queremos que se le facilite hacerse miembro de nuestra parroquia.


St. Vincent de Paul Church

46408 Woodward Ave. Pontiac, MI

St. Michael the Archangel Church

120 Lewis St. Pontiac, MI